Saturday, July 31, 2010

How would you react if you found out another parent allowed your child to watch an R rated movie at their home?

I just read another question and it made me think of this:

Say you had an 8-12 year old that spent the night at a friend's house, and you found out when they got home that the parents allowed them to watch an R rated movie without contacting you first.

What would your reaction be?How would you react if you found out another parent allowed your child to watch an R rated movie at their home?
Regardless of whether or not I let my own kid watch R rated movies, I'd be upset they didn't contact me first because a ton of parents won't let their pre teen watch R rated movies. Unless they knew for sure, somehow, that it was a movie you were fine with them seeing, they should call you. Like, say they knew you'd watched Gladiator with them the other day, and they'd be showing the Matrix. Even though the Matrix is far less bloody than Gladiator, there are other factors to consider, like that YOU watched it with them, Gladiator has historical value, etc.

You just never know.How would you react if you found out another parent allowed your child to watch an R rated movie at their home?
Depends on what the movie is/what makes it mature. There are some R-rated movies I believe are okay for that age set and others that are not.

I would first talk with my child because by that age they should have some sense of what is appropriate and what is not. Then, if the movie was really bad and the parents showed a severe lack of judgment, I would speak with the parents and let them know that I'm not upset, but in the future I would appreciate it if they kept the mature movies to a minimum. But, like I said, I would speak with the parents if I felt the nature of the movie of warranted it. This obviously, varies from parent to parent.
I guess it would depend on the circumstances. I would be more annoyed about them not asking me first than I would be about them allowing my child to see it. As long as it wasn't porn, I don't see the big deal, I don't plan on sheltering my daughter from everything.

ETA: I can't believe the amount of people saying their child would be in trouble in this situation. Children trust adults, especially their friends parents. In this situation they probably wouldn't even know they are doing something wrong, because they were told it is okay by another adult. How many of you actually tell your children BEFORE they go to another person's house that your rules still apply even though they are in someone else's home? It would not be fair to be angry at the child in this situation.
I would outline things that *are* and are *not* okay, before allowing my kids to stay the night, to begin with... If it were reversed, I would also ask the parent whose child would be staying with us, what's okay and not okay with them... Communication... Without it, I'd have only myself to blame! (Fortunately, my kids know what I allow and what I don't... They would speak up, and say, ';I can't watch that.'; Or, ';Let me check with my parents.';)

Now, if the other parent allowed it, despite my wishes, that would be the last time my kid was going over there, and I'd have some words, first... But, again, my kids already know. And, I DO let my older two (11 and 10) watch *some* R movies, but I fast-forward some parts, when necessary, and that's ME, not someone else. :)

it depends on what movie it is. now and days they show R rated things on television and people curse on the radio. so for the parents to show an R-rated movie is one of the last things that you should truly be upset about. Your son/daughter knows what they were watching and you could simply explain to the parents and to your child what is or is not okay. In this day and age boundaries need to be set just because people parent their child in so many different ways.
i'd be mad at my kid for watching it even though they are well aware that it is not allowed. then i'd let the parents know that from now on i'd appreciate it if they didn't let my kid watch r rated movies anymore.

BUT i'm not that kind of parent and as long as there's not a ton of gore or sex then my kids are ok to watch it.
This happened to my sister last year and she was fit to be tied. But it didn't happen at a friends house it happened over at Grandpa's house with the father present which kind of is worse. I would call a Family Meeting to order and explain to the children what goes on in other people's homes is their business and they have different rules. Let them know how disappointed you were that the family didn't consult you first. Let them know what you expect them to do in the future if this happens again.
I would totally be offended. It's totally irresponsible for host parents to do that. Before allowing your kids for sleepovers, it's really important to at least get a good overview of the values that they hold. Ask plenty of questions and make sure that you both agree on the rules that need to be obeyed.
Well, during Halloween last year, my MIL and step FIL allowed my 3 year old daughter to watch horror movies (not the extremely bad parts though... that was their excuse). She ended up having nightmares, waking up thinking there was a ghost under her bed. Geez... it seemed like it took forever for her to get over that. Needless to say, I didn't hesitate telling them to stick it where the sun don't shine.
I would not allow my child to sleep over at that house again until age 17. I would not punish the child, or be angry with the parents (they just have different standards than me), but now I know they are not the people I want to put in charge of my child.
id be a lil upset but id just go talk to them and tell them i dont allow my kid to watch movies that are rater R and then i'd sit with my kid and be like ur not allowed to watch rater r movies until ur 17 or w/e
I would be alittle upset. And i would have to take to the parents about it. And if they still do daughter wont be able to hang out over there anymore.
i would go completely off my nut!!!

not only at the parents of my child's friend but also my child would get into trouble because they would know they weren't allowed to watch something like that.
it happened and Im PISSED this JERK FATHER who is a border patrol agent let two, 9 yr olds watch clock work orange

I didnt hear about it till 4 yrs later!! They are no longer friends so ..what can ya do
I wouldn't say anything, but my child wouldn't go to that house again.
I would be upset about it. I would have their kid play at my house from now on.
It would depend on the movie, not all R rated movies are that bad
I would be very angry considering my daughter is 5.
depends what the R movie is...............
don't shelter you children
Yet another reason why spending the night is something I won't ever let my children do.

I would be angry at my child. My children have been taught that anything over PG they have to ask my permission first, so I would be expecting a phone call from them. If I didn't get it, they would be grounded for sure.

That means that when someone suggests a movie, my child has to ask what the rating is, and if it's higher than PG, they need to call me.

I had the same rule growing up. Even as a teen, I had to check with my parents before watching PG13 or higher. It didn't bother me in the slightest. My parents were wise and knew that I couldn't handle much violence or sex, that it would creep me out, so I was actually glad for someone to blame on not wanting to watch certain movies--';My parents won't let me';. Most people understand that!

On another note, when I was 9, I went to a slumber birthday party for a girl in my class at school. At about 2 am, when we girls were still not asleep, someone turned the TV on and lo and behold, her dad's porn channel was showing. The girls all started to watch, intrigued and curious, but I knew it was wrong, I just felt it (never been taught it was or even exposed to porn before, something just told me it wasn't right to watch that stuff) and I called my dad at 2 am and asked him to come get me. I became the target of the girls in my grade for the rest of the time we lived there, but I knew I had done the right thing. My parents were upset that the parents were so loose and didn't try to reign us in at all, but they were glad that I had enough sense to get out of there.

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