Saturday, July 31, 2010

Is it possible to ever have a relationsip with a parent who emotionally and verbally abused you as a child?

I am so angry and just cant seem to get over it. Have you gone through this? What did you do to get over it and move on or did things change when you became an adult?Is it possible to ever have a relationsip with a parent who emotionally and verbally abused you as a child?
Some hurts never go away, and others pass with time. Remember that pobodys nerfect.

After my old man passed I missed him more, even though he pissed me off alot when he was on this side of life. Things will get better if you let them. Life is shortIs it possible to ever have a relationsip with a parent who emotionally and verbally abused you as a child?
It is possible, its called forgivness. You can forgive them for what they did, even if you can never bring yourself to forget.
if they have wronged you in the past, tell them, forgive them and let it go. life is too short to be stressed
I went through this. The anger at being denied the love you feel every other child got but you. I don't know if I ever truely ';got over it.'; or if I ever truely will. I just turned it into a positive thing. I take what happened to me as a child and use it to help other children like me. That is my own form of therapy. As a social worker I can try to make sure other children don't go through what I went through and I can help them if they have.

I take the anger over a bad thing and turn it into a passion to change things.

And yes things did change when I became an adult. I still have my ups and downs and moments of doubt, but things did get better.

Just remember, no matter how far you go or how far you run, in the end you still end up with you as a companion. So you have to do for yourself what your parent didn't do for you. You have to love you!
I guess there are those who say you can. But I never could. And when she died i didn't cry. What I did to move on this part is that I never let myself be the parent she was or do what she did. I was locked in closets at age 3 and told the boogie man would get me. She told me that she would help me drown when i was afraid of water.

I never got over it, but I did overcome it. Neither of my kids bear that abuse. It still hurts, at 46. But I do know that I did the best I could, and have a conscience.

Never could I do what she did. And I feel your pain. Get some help if you need to, but realize you have recognized the problem and you are more than equipped to deal with it.

yeah my mom and i get alone great we only see each other once maybe twice a week....if i am in a good mood!!!
If you can forgive your parent for the past, and your parent treats you with respect now then yes you could move on and have a decent relationship with them,

But if they still disrespect you or talk down to you as a adult then it might not work out.

I had a really bad childhood with my mother I was always trying to please her but she always found something to compare me with my older sister ( who is only a year older than me ) who I call '; Miss Can Do No Wrong '; in my mother eyes and believe me she wasn't even close to perfect, bottom line, My mother will get a hair up her @ss and do stupid stuff, One example I sent my father a Fathers day present 10 years ago and she sent it back unopened written on it return to sender and I replied to her with a letter, that it was fine she sent it back and not to worry I will never bother her again and we haven't spoke nor seen each other since that day and it has been over 10 years and we live in the same city, and once I cut ties with her, I felt this heavy weight lift off my shoulder's that I had carried my whole life trying to please her, I am Happy, married, raised my children, and have grand-children of my own now, It is her loss, she has never seen my grand children and they ( 6 ) are arranging in ages from 9 years to 2 years old.

Good luck with your situation.
Only if you have the self-esteem and guts to tell them to roast in hell.
Things will change once you get older and move away. My mother was horribly abusive to me as a child. Neglectful and just plain mean. She told me I was fat, ugly, etc.

Once you get away from that terrible emotional environment you will be able to move on and heal. I suggest getting in with a therapist or just a good friend that you can talk to.

The main thing is to get out of the house ASAP. If you're 18, hit the road. Go to college, get an apartment, whatever - just leave. You can never get better if you're living with the person.

Good luck - I totally know how you feel.
hai I'm litu. I argue that if you become an adult you have to stay with your parents because your parents can control your attitude like school,sex,and other things that related to your self
I understand where you are coming from my mother tore me to pieces emotionally and verbally when I was a kid. but what kept me going was succeeding and moving on and knowing one day things are going to be alright and I wont have to go through this anymore. It took a lot of mental strength I didn't have but I got through it. Me and my mother still talk but its better that we stay distant from each other. I reconciled my difference with her and did what I needed to do in order to continue healing
Things do change as an adult. I guess you need to put the past into perspective first. Deal with it through therapy or just talking to a good trusted friend.

Then release this from your mind. Forgiveness yes by all means. A for the relationship, this may be easy for some and harder for others. If they are still using abusive language towards you then I would be a little hesistant.

They may never get calm. We have to protect ourselves from this happening ever again, whether it be a parent, or whoever.

I took 28 years to get over my abuse. Some people let it haunt them for all their life. I'm sure you won't let this happen.

Be strong and stay positive with your plans. If your anger is still there when you see this parent then maybe you should look at some anger management. Whatever you do darling just remember that behind every action there is some kind of reasoning. Don't try to work them out just deal with your emotions of the here and now. take care.
My mother was both and it took me until the age of 24 to finally get over it, for the fact that I was big enough to hit back, and that I could verbally attack back. But I think my mom was on drugs or going through something, because she doesn't do any of that anymore and treats my kids way better than she ever treated me. Which I am greatful for.
the only way for you to start to heal is to forgive.
Yes, things you think of as abuse when your young, change colors when you are an adult. Give it time.
The possibilities are endless. I think it can definitely help--there has to be a lot of understood communication . But it has to be a mutual agreement in order for the relationship to move on. If you ever don't feel safe around the parent- the relationship won't work. I think you should give it a try before any real decisions are made. Good luck and I hope you both make up for lost times. You deserve happiness...whatever that may mean! :)

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