I have vering degreee of parent friends who say anything from ';I dont look at all, because I dont care that is thier business'; to '; I hae to sweep everything and shut them down when I see something inapropriate'; Where is the best place to be? and if your teen gets angry if you question something, and says they hate you. Is this normal and will thier anger pass,How far should a parent observe what is bieng posted on a 14yrold Myspace?
well i agree with the first answer
my couzin she is 14 and for 1 her mother needs to moniter her
i call her all the time telling her about bullitens she posts
they ar e just surveys but titles things like
Lets party Take your pants off!
very sexual
i read her photo comments
and they are from older boys telling he she is hott
she lies about her age on her profile
its not a good idea
when my girl is that age
she wont be allowed to have one
the anger will pass
she will get over it
It seems harsh But Oh well
it can save herHow far should a parent observe what is bieng posted on a 14yrold Myspace?
Their anger is temporary, reactionary and will pass.
A parent has a responsibility to see what their child is doing at under age 18.
Though, I think it is pretty cool if a 16 year old can take some adult responsibility and indepence, a 14 year old is nowhere near ready for that step.
It doesn't seem like much of a difference, but 14 is really a child, and then they change fast - see what adding 3 years does, and the next step is, they're grown up.
Keep an eye on their activities, but discuss your differences too, openly and with mutual respect. There is no place for shouting and anger.
Websites can get really freaky, and I've met people who get messed up pretty seriously from the crap that's there.
And I know a couple of kids who killed themselves from the influences, and things gone bad.
I believe that parents need to take a firm role in guiding their teens, just out of love, to give them a chance to make it through a most difficult time, when they are easy prey, yet think they know everything, and do whatever they want.
No they're not immortal.
Of course in a perfect world a parent and teen should have an open and trusting relationship but if you think that there are issues and areas of our child's life that need supervision like looking at their myspace page do it. It is better for your child to think they hate you right now and be safe and watched out for. All teens seem to hate their parents at some time just try to talk first before looking and see if you can come to the compromise of the teen letting you look now and then, my daughter gave me her password but said not to look, it is funny how this has worked she knows I can look but I don't out of trust.
The best place to be is trusting. Adolescents are desperately trying to grow up. They don't need us prying. If they realize we trust them, why then, they will be more open to asking advice. A scattering of statements such as, ';I couldn't trust anyone I met online,'; ';I'm glad I waited until I was in college to....,'; ';I hate it that I started smoking.'; over a period of time worked for me. Never did look at their computers, or worry about parental controls. It helped to be on their side re: masturbation, religion, and drugs. I don't know how many times little arguments ended with, ';I hate you!'; At first I didn't dignify that with any answer. Next day I was the best dad in the world - for a few minutes. Finally, tired of hearing it, I said, ';there is nothing you can do or say that will make me hate you or abandon you - so why not give it up?'; Didn't work immediately, but over time (and repeated a few times) it helped. Now ten years later, respect and trust worked! I know this isn't true for all, but our chemistry must have been ok. Or maybe the stars were in full control! Parenting ain't for sissies; single parenting is boot camp for sainthood!
Well if you think your child is smart then you should just trust them to make good choices
if not then you can make an account and ask him/her to add you as a friend but don't make it obvious that you are gonna check his/her page
in case you do find something you don't like then don't make such a big deal out of it when you bring it up (not on dinner table) XD
good luck!!!!!!
Well don't stalk your child don't check everyday if they are acting suspicious (angry, depressed etc. . .) you should but if you trust your child and taught them right nothing by fault of theirs should happen. sometimes people get cyber bully-ed or sexually harassed on the internet so it is good to know what they are posting.
It depends on your child. If your child is open and honest with you, mature, and responsible then I'd let it be and give her the privacy she has earned. However, if your child is a typical fourteen year old, you should cheek in every so often, but not everyday. Once a week maybe.
Yes, that is normal and it passes.
unfortunately I think that there are far too many predators on the internet and I feel that observing what is going on is not a bad idea. But you can not pass judgment for what is being said and whom he talks to unless you feel that it is a danger issue.
it really depends on your kid.
cause, my myspace has nothing interesting on it, at all. i just use it to find music and talk to people from school.
but if your kids a bit of a slut, then uh, you might want to have a look.
im a teen and im smarter about that i dont put things like that up but as a parent is think it is very importatnt to moniter that if they are mad it will pass but you need to make sure u keep them safe
Who cares if she get's angry because you check her myspace. When is she not going to be angry with, she's a teenager. Check her stuff, you're the parent.
You need to create a profile and make you teen add you as her friend so you can View and Monitor her page! IT IS your Business!
It depends. My parents were so controlling I left and never went back the moment I turned 18. I still don't talk to them. But it definately wasn't over something stupid like Myspace.
just leave them be, only get involved if their in trouble and need help, otherwise let them make their own mistakes
I wouldn't care, if they were angry at all. I found my son lying about his age on Myspace.
They shouldnt!
Omg id get so peed off with them invading my privacy
Im 15 but still :P
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