Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What can I do to tell a court my feelings on parent's custody?

My family is divorced and my Mom has a 70-30 split with my Dad, her being the 70. I want 50-50. What do I do, and who do I go to? My Dad recommende writing a letter, but I was hoping there would be a more efficient way.What can I do to tell a court my feelings on parent's custody?
Have you tried talking to your mom about this? Maybe you can come to an agreement with her without dragging the court into it. If not, your dad may have to request a different arrangement.What can I do to tell a court my feelings on parent's custody?
There may be a reason for the 70/30 split. Is your father more available than your mother? Does your father have the space? Are you closer to school where mom is or dad is? It also depends on your age and is there more than just you? When divorce first happens the mom's usually get the most time because they are te ones that always did the most care taking. It doesn't mean that after a few months(6) that you can't ask your mother to maybe let you spend more time with your farther. If your trying to change it before it's done by the court I would say that you need to write a letter to the judge handling the case and state your reason and why. It may not happen right away but at least the judge will know how you feel and may suggest to come back in again see what happens.
Dear child, what you want doesn't matter in this case. The courts make their decisions based on logic as presented at the hearing. You can write a book if you like but it's not going to make a difference. The best thing you can do is get along with both parents and don't try to play one against the other. You aren't the victim here. You are simply one of the participants.
Call the Clerk of Courts in your area and ask them. Once you are 13 years of age, you can decide who you want to live with.
I would either write a letter or confront them then and there!

I haven't had to deal with this kind of thing before but

my brothers have they had the same problem they went and confronted a judge....

:) :) hope it helps
You tell her straight up this is BUSH. And tell her why and it will ruin your life, and play the song ';Stay Together For The Kids'; by Blink-182

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