Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why would a parent give a 6 year old a cell phone?

She is in kindergarten, her grandmother watches her after school, %26amp; she never goes anywhere there isn't an adult that doesn't have a phone (whether it be a land line or cell phone). So why get her a phone? Am I the only one that thinks this is ridiculous?Why would a parent give a 6 year old a cell phone?
There's probably no good reason, and in general, I agree it's ridiculous for a young child who's always with a caretaker to have a cell phone. However, I can think of circumstances where it might be reasonable. A kid with a serious medical condition like life-threatening allergies or diabetes or something might reasonably have a cell phone for calling 911. Even though there is an adult around somewhere, if they're walking down the hallway on the way to their classroom and the teacher's not right there (or they're home with grandma who's in the bathroom), and they suddenly feel like they're going into anaphylactic shock, a cell phone might not be a bad idea. Similarly, there might be a point to a young child's having a cell phone if one of their caretakers had a serious medical condition.

I'm not saying those situations are likely, but I try not to judge people if I don't know the whole story. My daughter has a life-threatening medical condition and she doesn't have a cell phone yet at age 8, but I plan on giving her one that can dial parents and 911 by the beginning of middle school just for her safety, even though I think that's probably too early for most kids (including my other ones).Why would a parent give a 6 year old a cell phone?
Why does this matter to you? To many people worry about other people and don't mind their own business. Maybe there is medical things that you don't know about, maybe there are things that are really just none of your business. If this is not your kid that you are talking about, well then don't judge other people
because they are rich and because they obviously dont pay attention to where she is
there are cell phones that only dial / accept calls from a parent or are outgoing to parent and/or 911 emergency number of course always works on life or dead cell phone.

it was incomprensible millions of years ago .. now i am not sure with kids blowing up schools and cops beating on citizens ... maybe a virtual world might be a good idea .
well it obviously isn't to call her friends, I would say her parents have given her a phone so if she needs help she can call someone. There are cell phones just for kids that have certain phone number only programed into them eg. parents, police etc. It's a safety thing in my opinion there worried about her, that is the only reason that I would buy my child a phone the world is a s#$%y place, a 7 year old was raped and murdered in a shopping centre toilet last year (she was out with her parents) having a phone might of helped her and maybe it wouldn't of but at least if she could of called for help she would of had the means to.
A six year old very well can dial a phone...what about emergency's, 911, maybe who she is staying with has medical or health problems. There are kids known of the age of 2 who have dialed 911 and by them doing so..has saved their parents lives or their sibling lives.
Well, it probably cheaper than buying her a FM radio station with limited transmission capabilities. I figure she was too young to pass the test for her FCC License. I not sure if there an age requirement.
The only time they need a cell phone is if they have a medical condition, like diabetes and for some reason they are not around an adult, which is not likely to happen. A lot of people think that kids need them in case of kidnapping, but that is just the phone companies playing on the parent's fears. If the kid is not left alone there is little or no chance of kidnapping.
this is absolutly ridiculous and i hate when i see little kids with cell phones.

its just one ofthe many examples about what is happening to this world......
Uh no. I got my first phone when i was 9. i lost that phone and didn't get a new one will middle school. i think that's when you really need a cell phone.
the only cell phone a six year old should have is a toy one or one that dosent work
Maybe to contact her parents any time. Perhaps there have been issues when the child wanted to call mom or dad and the grandmother wouldn't let her? Who knows. I have a 5 year old and she spends plenty of time on the phone, she talks to her best friend daily. The 5-6 year old set are pretty technology's just the changing tides.
yes very ridiculous!!!! but hey if its the mothers choise, what can we do. i wonder if weather the 6year old even knows how to use it.
It does seem a little silly, but it might be completely affordable for them and/or give them an extra sense of security for her.
that is absoloutely REDICULOUS!.
Is it one of those cheap phones where she can only call her parents or 911? If it is then that's okay.
I think in this day and age the parents think of it as a safety precaution it is too much for a kid that age to have a cell phone
Noone needs a phone until they are at least 13. Giving a 6 year old one is just beyond stupid I can't even comprehend it.

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