Tuesday, August 24, 2010

When you became a parent were you surprised at how patient you really could be?

While i was pregnant, i freaked out thinking that I was going to snap at any second, even when child is just a baby.

But i can be so angry, and still laugh along with bub.

Were you surprised at how much of an impact your child had on you?When you became a parent were you surprised at how patient you really could be?
haha im still not patient .. you can find me hiding under the computer desk. *dont tell the kids*When you became a parent were you surprised at how patient you really could be?
I've figured out how quick I can go from one extreme to another.

I can snap one minute, but be really patient the next.

I also think I'm going nuts, but then I realize that it's the kids making me that way. I can be totally in a conversation, but stop and yell at the kids in the middle of it...

What I am really surpirsed at is that everyone seems to ';know'; more about how to raise my kids than me. At least that's what they say and act like...
I was surprised to know how inpatient I was. I use to be the most patient person in the world. Then I had one. I still was patient. Then I had two. A colic baby. I lost my patience little by little. Then I had the rest and became numb. LOL I am slowly regaining my patience. LOL
I'm really glad you have that experience. For me, if I didn't have my ex taking care of my son when he was an infant, I'd have gone nuts.

I was pretty frustrated and impatient when he was unable to communicate verbally (I'm still not good on non-verbal cues)

I am surprised how quick I can switch from patient and understanding to really mad. I can go back and forth so quickly. One minute I am yelling and the next I am singing the itsy bitsy spider.
I probably did not have much patience before my first marriage and pregnancy, but both taught me a lot. When you experience your child as a part of yourself, then as separate but very connected and dependent, finally progressing through all stages of maturation, it seems that nothing can be more wonderful - and at times frightening. You're learning it as you go along. Have you ever noticed how people who have never had children or been in a long term loving relationship in which they live together seem - somehow less patient? Perhaps they can even become rigid as they get older. Right after you have a child your life is not your own at all - for a while.

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